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Adding an Email Signature

As you may already know, Word provides a host of Internet functionality, including the capability to email documents directly from Word. You can even use Word to create an email signature file to be included with your messages. Start by selecting Tools, Options and clicking the General tab. Next, click Email Options and enter a name for your new signature (such as Standard Business Signature) in the line at the top of the dialog box. Enter the content of the signature itself in the larger box below (you can format the text using the formatting buttons above the box).
When you finish, click OK. Your email signature becomes an AutoText entry, and you can insert your email signature into any document by choosing Insert, AutoText, Email Signatures and clicking the desired signature.

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Strong Wi-Fi

Having a wireless network in your home or office is great. You can check your e-mail in bed and work from the living room with the ball game on TV. You're also no longer chained to your desk. You can take your laptop to a meeting and stay connected to your network and the Internet. What happens, however, when your signal doesn't extend to the kitchen, or to the last few offices in your corridor?
We lost our wireless connection less than 50 linear feet from the access point in a wood-frame house. Many wireless users have similar complaints. Wi-Fi, officially known as the 802.11b standard, is supposed to be better than that. But vendors invoke very broad caveats because of the many causes of dead zones in a Wi-Fi network. Many buildings have structural elements that can block radio transmissions, including Wi-Fi. Even passing through wood and drywall may limit the power of your access point's signal. In addition, Wi-Fi uses the same basic radio technology as 2.4-GHz cordless phones. Such phones, and especially their base stations, can cause interference. If you have a phone base and a wireless AP, keep them as far apart as you can.
Microwave ovens are another major source of Wi-Fi interference. These devices throw out enough radio waves in the Wi-Fi range to make communications unreliable within a few feet of a microwave. But interference occurs only when the microwave is in use, and it usually extends no farther than 10 feet from the oven.

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Looking For Internet Business Scam Review

By : Jake Falese

You have all heard the advice, If it's too good to be true be careful. This is great advice when you are thinking about making money on the internet but you are afraid of scams. One little word can make a free offer well, not really a free offer. Read read and read it once again.

The scammers are out there looking to make a quick dollar while at the same time, telling you there is no such thing. Read and re-read any offer that is presented to you.

First I want to tell you something you probably know is out there. Hard to think that these are still being sent out, but I got on myself, just two days back.

The very first area that you need to practice care in is that e-mail in box. Anytime someone asks for information such as SS# or bank accounts be very wary. The best advice if you haven't initiated the call or requested information via e-mail never give out that type of information. In the same vein, you never want to deposit money into an account to which you are give a number in hope of getting a huge amount in return. The old good faith deposit,if it sounds too good to be true, you know the rest.

Another good idea is to check on Google or your favorite search engine for scam alerts. Careful now, I have been told that now there are scam alerts that are there, just to try to get you to buy something. You are starting to see that you always need to be wary.

Think about this, if you where looking to start a business, would you do it without looking into the background of the venture. Would you not talk to others in the same line. I would suggest the same of any online business venture.

Money can be made from your home. It will involve time. It will involve some money up front.There will be missteps. With the right programs and with good solid back up advice the whole process can be made easier.

Thinking about buying a e-book, why not ask for a referral to someone who has read the book and see if they considered the price fair and the advice solid.

If there is a money back guarantee, read it carefully, print it out, and put it aside. If you are not happy with the home based business advice, or the weight loss advice, or whatever you subscribed too, ask for your money back.

One more tip, use your search engine to research the name attached to the web site that you will be directed to. There are a lot of honest people out there that really want to help.

Affiliate programs are some of the easiest money makers out there. The program you are promoting will want you to make money, because they make money. Could not be any easier.

The majority of web sites that are selling either products or information at the very bottom will have the word affiliate. Simply click on the word and get the information on how to get started.

Final piece of advice.Use good judgment and think objectively before you take out that credit card. Storefront refer to it as impulse buying, the same holds true on the internet.About the Author

You want to do what is the best for your future and to make your life and your family members life easier. You can do all that. Take emotion out of the process. Look here and make the right choice today.